2010: CACHCA embarks upon a year-long member and partner engagement process to review and update the mandate, roles, and structure of the pan-Canadian CHCs association. Those who participate in the process over the course of 2010 and 2011 strongly underscore the ongoing need for a federal CHCs association, highlighting the potential to enhance and expand its role through a strategic re-structuring. The formal re-visioning process for CACHCA moves into high-gear, with the goal of re-launching the association set for early 2012.
Best practices in team-based care
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2005, 0
2005: CACHCA collaborates with its province of Ontario member, the Association of Ontario Health Centres (AOHC), in developing a...
An idea ahead of its time: Hastings Report 1972
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 1972, 0
On July 21st, 1972 the “Hastings Report” (see report below) was formally submitted to the Government of Canada. In...
Emphasizing federal role in primary health care
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2009, 0
2009: CACHCA authors policy position paper on the Canadian federal government’s role in primary health care, entitled Community Health Centres:...
Rebirth: Introducing CACHC
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2012, 0
2012: Following an extensive restructuring process, CACHCA is re-launched as the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC). More...
Putting community health on election radar
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2008, 0
2008: CACHCA hosts the 7th pan-Canadian Conference on CHCs, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, under the theme “Putting Community in Community...
CACHC moves successfully forward
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2013, 0
2013: The Canadian Association of Community Health Centres builds on a very successful first year of operations, hosting in...
Standing up for Medicare
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 1998, 0
1998: Building on the success of pan-Canadian CHC gatherings in 1993 and 1995, CACHCA sets its sights on a...
Moving to the global stage
CACHC, , CACHC Timeline, 2011, 0
2011: Under the banner theme Community Health Centres: Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow, 1000 delegates from over 20 countries gather in...
Contact us
340 College Street - Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3A9
Phone: (416) 922-5694
Email: info@cachc.ca