2011: Community Health Centres: Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow
Joint international conference co-hosted with U.S. National Association of Community Health Centers and Association of Ontario Health Centres
June 9-10, 2011 – Toronto, ON
– Conference Program  |  Social Media Guide   
– Conference Videos  |  Conference Facebook page
– All Conference Workshops (via AOHC)


2008 CACHCA Conf image for web

2008: Putting Community in Community Health
October 6-7, 2008
Winnipeg, MB



2007: Completing the Vision – Achieving the Second Stage of Medicare
Joint pan-Canadian conference co-hosted with Association of Ontario Health Centres
June 2007 – Toronto, ON
– Conference Report



2006: Community Health Centres – the Model for Action
October 11-13, 2006
Saint John, NB

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