On the closing day of the Medicare@50 conference, Saskatoon Community Clinic family physician and University of Saskatchewan professor, Dr. Ryan Meili, introduced Canadians to an important new civic and social policy institute that focuses on the impact of social determinants of health. It is appropriately named “Upstream”, and engages the Canadian public and policy makers in increased dialogue and action around the “upstream” causes of illness such as poverty, the lack of affordable housing, inadequate access to healthy foods and other preventable social ills. This shift in conversation around health and wellbeing — also called for during Canadian Community Health and Wellbeing Week — has the potential to radically improve the health of Canadians and our health and social service systems. Dr. Meili and CACHC’s Executive Director, Scott A Wolfe, spoke to Global News Saskatoon about the new Upstream Institute.
Beyond Dispensing: The Voice of a Pharmacist Working as a Member of an Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care Team
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Susan Troesch – Clinical Pharmacist Mid-Main Community Health Centre (Vancouver, BC) Follow them @Mid_MainCHC...
CUPE calls for expansion of CHCs across Canada
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0
Community Health Centres model means better and more equitable health outcomes for Canadians ow.ly/kwZv8 #Accord2014 — CUPE National (@cupenat)...
Volunteers at CHCs: leaving a mark, leaving a legacy
CACHC, , CHC Perspectives, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 1
A guest blog post from London Intercommunity Health Centre volunteer, José. Good afternoon! It is a pleasure to share...
Medicare@50 – Join the conversation!
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
Today, we kick-off online conversation related to the core themes of CACHC’s September 2013 conference, Medicare@50: Our Healthy Future...
We must stand up for Medicare and refugee health
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Dr. Mike Dillon – Family Physician Klinic Community Health Centre (Winnipeg MB) June 17th 2013...
Health Care’s Real Iceberg
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Russ Ford (@RussJamesFord) – Executive Director LAMP Community Health Centre (Toronto ON) Ryan Meili...
Contact us
340 College Street - Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3A9
Phone: (416) 922-5694
Email: info@cachc.ca