In this video interview, captured following his adddress to participants at the Annual General Meeting of Grand River CHC in Brantford, Ontario, Dr. Michael Rachlis describes the wisdom of Tommy Douglas’s vision for the “Second Stage of Medicare”. As Rachlis notes, Community Health Centres are uniquely positioned to help Canadians achieve that second stage of Medicare and to improve health and wellbeing across the country. You can hear more from Dr. Rachlis during a special opening session of the September 2013 conference Medicare@50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of Community Health Centres.
National Medicare Week 2012
CACHC, , Strengthening Medicare, 0
Join Canadians from coast to coast from December 2nd to 8th, 2012 as we come together to protect, strengthen...
Volunteers at CHCs: leaving a mark, leaving a legacy
CACHC, , CHC Perspectives, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 1
A guest blog post from London Intercommunity Health Centre volunteer, José. Good afternoon! It is a pleasure to share...
Beyond Dispensing: The Voice of a Pharmacist Working as a Member of an Interdisciplinary Primary Health Care Team
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Susan Troesch – Clinical Pharmacist Mid-Main Community Health Centre (Vancouver, BC) Follow them @Mid_MainCHC...
Community Health Centres – My “Aha Moment”
Scott Wolfe, , CHC Perspectives, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
I first began to work formally with Community Health Centres (CHCs) in 2004, when I accepted a role with...
Stephen Lewis: The future of Medicare and CHCs
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
In November 2012, Stephen Lewis provided an inspiring talk in Saskatoon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of both Medicare...
CUPE calls for expansion of CHCs across Canada
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0
Community Health Centres model means better and more equitable health outcomes for Canadians #Accord2014 — CUPE National (@cupenat)...
Health Care’s Real Iceberg
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Russ Ford (@RussJamesFord) – Executive Director LAMP Community Health Centre (Toronto ON) Ryan Meili...
50 Years of Medicare in Canada, Part 1: A System in Need of Transformation
CACHC, , Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 2
A Medicare@50 blog post by: Farah Shroff, Associate Professor UBC School of Population and Public Health Besides hockey, few...
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Toronto, Ontario M5T 3A9
Phone: (416) 922-5694