CACHC commends federal government for leadership on
harm reduction and evidence-based drug policy

Statement from Nicole Chammartin and Irene Clarence, Co-Chairs of the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres:

The Canadian Association of Community Health Centres applauds the federal government for introduction this week of Bill C-37, new legislation that reframes problematic substance use as a public health issue and affirms the importance of harm reduction. The federal government’s shift from a strict criminal justice approach to an evidence-based, public health approach is essential to saving lives and stemming the tides of Canada’s current overdose crisis.

In addition to new measures that will help stem the flow of illegal opioids to Canada, Bill C-37 places drug policy under the direction of Canada’s federal Minister of Health and reduces the hurdles that communities must overcome in efforts to open supervised injection sites (SIS) as part of the local response to problematic substance use and its health and social impacts.

SIS will not only help in the battle against overdose deaths, they will help limit the spread of communicable infections and provide safe environments in which substance users have access to important care and support services. Several communities across Canada are now actively pursuing SIS, including leadership from several Communities Health Centres to open SIS in Toronto and Ottawa.

Through a recent members resolution, CACHC and Community Health Centres across Canada have called on federal, provincial and municipal governments to expedite support and funding for SIS across Canada. While Bill C-37 will remove several barriers that stand in the way, we are calling on the federal government to commit to timely review of all applications for federal exemption of these proposed sites under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Several applications for exemption have already been filed and further delay in granting approval places many more lives at risk. We are also calling on federal, provincial and municipal governments to cooperate in ensuring that forthcoming SIS receive appropriate funding to fulfill their mandate.


Media and other inquires:
Scott Wolfe, Executive Director / 416.922.5694

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