CACHC, April 29, 2013May 8, 2013, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0 Community Health Centres model means better and more equitable health outcomes for Canadians #Accord2014 — CUPE National (@cupenat) April 29, 2013
+ CHCs key to progress on second stage of Medicare CACHC, August 7, 2013January 2, 2014, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0 (more…)
+ We must stand up for Medicare and refugee health CACHC, June 15, 2013June 15, 2013, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0 A Medicare@50 blog post by: Dr. Mike Dillon – Family Physician Klinic Community Health Centre (Winnipeg MB) June 17th 2013...
+ Community Health Centres – My “Aha Moment” Scott Wolfe, May 14, 2013October 14, 2022, CHC Perspectives, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0 I first began to work formally with Community Health Centres (CHCs) in 2004, when I accepted a role with...
Keeping People Well CACHC, August 14, 2013January 2, 2014, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 0 (more…)
Stephen Lewis: The future of Medicare and CHCs CACHC, May 23, 2013May 23, 2013, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, 0 In November 2012, Stephen Lewis provided an inspiring talk in Saskatoon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of both Medicare...
+ 50 Years of Medicare in Canada, Part 1: A System in Need of Transformation CACHC, September 15, 2013January 5, 2014, Medicare at 50: Our Healthy Future and the Role of CHCs, Strengthening Medicare, 2 A Medicare@50 blog post by: Farah Shroff, Associate Professor UBC School of Population and Public Health Besides hockey, few...
+ New Resources for CHCs CACHC, February 19, 2013March 6, 2013, Strengthening Medicare, 0 We invite you to take a look at the inaugural edition of our new occasional digest Health 2.0 for CHCs....
+ We want your feedback! CACHC, January 29, 2013March 6, 2013, Strengthening Medicare, 0 Tell us what you think and receive: Complete this 90 second survey and receive $10 off your 1-year CACHC...