Canada’s community health centres urge governments to invest in integrated, local solutions as part of a new Health Accord

October 17, 2016 – The Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC) is calling on federal and provincial governments to invest in community health centres (CHCs), and the local frontline health care and social services they provide, as part of the new Health Accord currently being negotiated.

“A new Health Accord needs to focus on innovative and transformational change in health and social services. Canadians continue to expect more integrated and accessible services from their health and social service providers,” says Irene Clarence, Chair of CACHC. “CHCs are already leading the way, delivering the right care at the right time, and providing comprehensive, wrap-around services that work for Canadians.”

CHCs provide health care through a team approach where nurse practitioners, family physicians, nurses, counselors, and other care providers ensure that people receive the timely care they need. They also integrate these care services with a wide-range of health promotion programs, social services, and community health initiatives that help individuals, families, and communities prevent illness and stay well.

In support of its call to action, the association has released findings from its latest organizational research on CHCs across Canada. The study found that 79% of CHCs across the country deliver integrated services and programs in five or more service sectors, such as primary care, seniors services, mental health services, housing, education, and immigration/settlement.

Despite this critical role, the study also paints an alarming picture of serious operational pressures faced by CHCs across the country, as well as major gaps in access to CHCs for Canadians.

“As we look to the future of health care and social service delivery in Canada, investing in dynamic and flexible frontline services through CHCs will ultimately strengthen Canadian healthcare, increase accessibility and effectiveness, and support Canadians who access community-driven services across the country.”


Media and other inquires:
Scott Wolfe, Executive Director / 416.922.5694

©2025 Canadian Association of Community Health Centres


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