2011: Under the banner theme Community Health Centres: Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow, 1000 delegates from over 20 countries gather in Toronto, Ontario (June 2011) for the largest-ever international conference on CHCs.

Co-hosted by CACHCA, the Association of Ontario Health Centres (AOHC) and the U.S. National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), the three-day gathering  invites global representatives from Community Health Centres, governments, academic institutions and other partner agencies to explore a wide range of topics in community-oriented primary health care.

Among the exciting outcomes of the conference, delegates call for the establishment of an International Federation of Community Health Centres to carry forward collaborative, community-oriented primary health care efforts around the globe. Shortly after, discussions and planning begin among key global partners. Launch of the new International Federation of CHCs is scheduled for 2013.

For a wide-range of materials from the 2011 international conference visit our conferences page. Below are selected videos from the conference.



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