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Our sincere thanks to CACHC members for making our 2015 Annual General Meeting a success. Please see materials below. Our special thanks to Dr. Shabir Moosa for an inspiring AGM keynote address!

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Born in Durban, South Africa, Dr. Shabir Moosa studied at the University of Natal Medical School. This medical school was a hotbed of anti-apartheid activism and Shabir spent time in the 1980s as an imprisoned student anti-apartheid activist.

After graduation from medical school, Dr. Moosa started practicing in 1990 as a general practitioner (GP) in Kokstad, a small rural town near poverty-stricken Transkei, and rose rapidly through the ranks of the African National Congress (ANC). He turned down a seat in the first post-apartheid parliament in South Africa in 1994, and continued as a GP in Kokstad.

Dr. Moosa was later involved in the development of district health services in the area and served as city councillor in Kokstad, as well as chair of the local independent practitioners association. He started his postgraduate studies in family medicine in 1998, from his practice and based on the distance-teaching module operative at the time in South Africa. Dr Moosa moved to Johannesburg in 2004 to take up a post at the Department of Family Medicine, University of Witswatersrand (Wits).

Dr Moosa has been an active researcher at Wits and is deeply involved in development and research around community-oriented primary health care (COPC)  in Johannesburg. In addition to his teaching and research post, he continues to practice as a family physician in Soweto, helping to build the community-oriented primary health care practice at Chiawelo Community Health Centre. The centre is being presented as a model for primary health care within the national health insurance program emerging in South Africa.

Dr. Moosa is on the editorial boards of the British Journal of General Practice and African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine.  A variety of his publications are available online. Dr. Moosa is very active on social media and may be found on Twitter at @ShabirMoosa.


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